Friday, February 10, 2012

Dog Protests Another Prejudicial Chimp Study

Pointing to this study, my dog, Ali, asked me, "Isn't this yet another study to make Chimps look bad?"

PLoS ONE: Dogs (Canis familiaris), but Not Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Understand Imperative Pointing

1 comment:

Ange Lobue, MD, MPH, BSPharm said...

Food for thought: Do chimps have more difficulty with humans who point in German than with those who point in English? If so, do dogs respond more readily to a German point than they do to an English point? Do dogs more readily cooperate with Germans than they do with Americans? Are dogs more afraid of Germans? Are they more disrespectful to Americans? Are chimps more amused by Germans than they are by Americans or Englishmen? Do chimps really care about what Germans point at? Why do chimps frequently point at Americans from their cages in German zoos? Why do Americans always point at chimps and Germans? Why do Germans always want chimps to pick up after themselves? Do these questions keep chimps, dogs or human researchers up at night? Food for thought?